

“le cose fanno essere il mondo. il mondo consente le cose”


The material used for the artifacts in this collection originates from handmade carpets produced in Iran. …

The applied technique consists of……and I named it “en-tropé” (“en” – inside; “tropé” change, turning point, upheaval). This is a metaphor of the incessant destruction and transformation of every entity, event and process. It represents the unpredictability and continual redirections to which all beings are subject in the course of life.

Each passage in the long journey and conferred a new shape, usage and meaning. This long sequence of afterthoughts, manipulations, utilizations, relocation and retention made me reflect upon the deep interlacement of this material with human stories, feelings, experiences and events. I felt in my hands not a mere fabric to shape but rather a pulsing memory to contemplate.

All these artefacts have a longer history than the one lived under the current forms, they are imbued of an existential time that gives them life and meaning. As these artifacts, each entity can be thought as an event imbued of time, matter and experience. This led me to reflect on the way our senses and mind relate to our inner and external world, how we connect our inner-self to the flow of reality, with its lights and shadows, manifest and hidden contents, fulness and emptiness. Inscribed within the flow of the ever changing becoming, our lives are a mosaic woven with memories and oblivion, desires and sorrow, success and failures, broken and fulfilled destinies. Although we measure our identity through these fragmented and individual stories, in my works I want to express the substantial and inseparable unity of our existence with the reality in its entirety.

Entropy, as the irreversibility of events, is one of the fundamental dynamics which matter is composed of. In physics this concept is associated to Chaos which describes the unpredictable and random process through which order emerges from the unstructured substance.